Academic Policies
The Cumulative Index is found by dividing the number of credit hours of work the student has taken into the number of quality points the student has earned.
Grading System (effective September 1990)
Grade | Comment | Credit |
A | Exceptional | 4.0 quality points per credit hour |
A- | Very Good | 3.7 quality points per credit hour |
B+ | 3.3 quality points per credit hour | |
B | 3.0 quality points per credit hour | |
B- | 2.7 quality points per credit hour | |
C+ | 2.3 quality points per credit hour | |
C | Average | 2.0 quality points per credit hour |
C- | 1.7 quality points per credit hour | |
D+ | 1.3 quality points per credit hour | |
D | Below Average | 1.0 quality points per credit hour |
D- | 0.7 quality points per credit hour | |
P 1 | Passing (D- or better) | credit but no quality points |
F 2 | Failure | no credit and no quality points |
I 3 | Incomplete | no credit and no quality points |
IP 4 | In Progress | |
H | Signifies an Honors course | |
W | Withdrawn without academic penalty |
- 1
Not counted in determining semester or cumulative GPA
- 2
Counted in determining semester or cumulative GPA
- 3
Must be made up no later than three weeks prior to the last day of classes of the following academic semester.
- 4
The IP grade is reserved for courses in which the work may extend by design beyond a particular semester. It will be replaced by a suitable grade upon completion of the work. A final grade must be submitted no later than the third week prior to the termination of the fourth academic semester following the semester in which the IP was assigned. A $100 fee per semester may apply to those who require supervision to complete their course.
Course Withdrawal Guidelines
The date set for withdrawal from undergraduate courses is to be determined by the Registrar as follows: the deadline for withdrawal shall be set for the close of business hours on the first business day following the completion of approximately 2/3 of the class meetings scheduled for the course, excluding the final examination. The Registrar’s decision is final. All five-week courses will follow the 2/3 policy. Withdrawal from a class may be made at the Registrar’s office by the individual student only through the published withdrawal date for each academic term. The student must fill out a Withdrawal Form. Both the student’s academic adviser and the faculty member teaching the class must be asked to sign the form. The adviser’s signature indicates that the student has been informed of the consequences of his/her decision to withdraw. The instructor’s signature indicates awareness of the withdrawal request. Neither signature constitutes permission. A “W” grade will not be counted in determining semester or cumulative GPA. No academic penalty attaches to a grade of “W.” A student, however, who prior to the published withdrawal date is notified of an alleged violation of the Academic Honesty Policy that would result in an automatic failure of the course, may withdraw from the course but the withdrawal is not effective until and unless the student has been cleared of the charge. All things to the contrary notwithstanding, if the student admits to or is found guilty of the alleged violation of the Academic Honesty Policy, that student is prohibited from withdrawing from the class in question. Students who are not engaged in class by the end of the University's add/drop period may be administratively withdrawn from the course.
Class Level
Class level is based on credit hours earned. The breakdown is as follow:
First Year: 0- 29 credit hours earned
Sophomore: 30 - 59 credit hours earned
Junior: 60 - 89 credit hours earned
Senior: 90+ credit hours earned
Academic Probation and Dismissal
To qualify for graduation from St. Bonaventure University, each student must meet two academic index requirements. The student’s overall cumulative index must be at least 2.00. In addition, the student’s cumulative index for courses taken in the major field must be at least 2.00. Any student in Elementary Education or Physical Education must have an overall cumulative index in the major of 3.00.
Any student whose overall index is below 2.00 must be regarded as academically deficient. Students who are regarded as academically deficient may be academically dismissed from the University, offered the opportunity to remain enrolled through the auspices of either the Academic Restoration Program or the Academic Intervention Program. Students who are regarded as academically deficient are automatically placed on academic probation. The Academic Review Committee, whose membership is comprised of the undergraduate academic deans, the Registrar, the Executive Director of the Student Success Center, the Associate Director of Accessibility Services, the Director for Academic Support and Transition, the Associate Dean for Student Life, and the Associate Dean for Student and Community Wellbeing, meets at the end of each semester to evaluate the status of each student with an overall cumulative index below 2.00.
Although St. Bonaventure University attempts to notify students of their academic status and/or dismissal, it is the sole responsibility of the student to be aware of University expectations regarding satisfactory academic progress and his or performance in each semester.
- Academic Probation: A student should view academic probation as a serious warning that his or her academic record is unsatisfactory. It should be viewed as an opportunity and an obligation to improve.
Probationary status has a duration of one semester, and during this semester the student must make, in the judgment of the Academic Review Committee, significant academic improvement; otherwise, he or she incurs academic dismissal. If, over the course of this first probationary semester, the student is judged by the Committee to have made significant academic improvement but has not raised his or her cumulative index to at least 2.00, probationary status will be extended for a second semester. If, at the conclusion of this second consecutive probationary semester, the student has not raised his or her cumulative index to the appropriate level, based on the credits completed as outlined in points 2a, 2b, and 2c, below, he or she may incur academic dismissal.
Freshmen students placed on probation after the first semester at SBU are required to enroll in a section of FRES-101. This non-credit course is specifically designed to provide the first year student with additional support and skills necessary to succeed academically. - Academic Dismissal: A student who incurs academic dismissal may not enroll in any division of the University and may not apply for readmission to any division of the University until at least six months have elapsed since the dismissal date and all requirements to raise the student’s cumulative index have been met. The student must attend another institution of higher learning to achieve this.
If the student is to be readmitted, the student’s performance at the alternate institution should provide evidence that the student can successfully complete the academic program at St. Bonaventure. In no case is readmission automatic, since it is a privilege granted by the University.
The following students are liable to be academically dismissed from the University:- Students who have completed 23 or fewer credit hours and whose cumulative index is less than 1.70;
- Students who have completed more than 23, but fewer than 60 credit hours and whose cumulative quality point index is less than 1.85;
- Students who have completed 60 or more credit hours and whose cumulative quality point index is less than 2.00;
- Any student who fails three or more courses in a single semester;
- Any student who has completed two consecutive semesters on probation (excluding summers) and who fails to raise his or her cumulative quality point index to the appropriate level, based on the credits completed as outlined in points 2a, 2b and 2c above. Students should note that repeating failed courses during the summer session may raise the cumulative quality point index, but does not remove probationary status for the next semester.
- Any full-time, matriculating student who fails to complete more than two-thirds of the cumulative coursework attempted.
- Appeal of Academic Dismissal: A student who incurs academic dismissal from the University may appeal the decision in writing to the chair of the Academic Review Committee; the entire committee will review the appeal. Full notification of the appeals procedure is included with the communication notifying the student of the dismissal. If the Committee does not reverse a decision to dismiss a student, the student may appeal in writing to the chief academic officer; however, the decision of the Academic Review Committee will be reversed only if there is compelling evidence of an error in procedure or a clearly erroneous finding of fact.
- Academic Restoration Program: If a student becomes liable for academic dismissal at the end of his or her initial semester at St. Bonaventure, the Academic Review Committee may, at its discretion, offer the student the Academic Restoration Program in lieu of academic dismissal.
The student and his/her parent/guardian (if applicable) must sign a statement agreeing to complete in full a series of rigorous academic exercises, including weekly meetings with members of the Student Success Center. Failure to comply with any component of the program will result in immediate dismissal from St. Bonaventure. The semester spent in the Academic Restoration Program is considered a probationary semester, and all provisions concerning academic progress during probation as listed in Section 1 above apply. - Academic Intervention Program: A student liable for academic dismissal at the end of the semester other than the initial semester at St. Bonaventure University may be offered the opportunity to return to the University if the student agrees to participate in the Academic Intervention Program.
The dismissed student and his or her parent/guardian (if applicable) must sign an Academic Intervention Program Pledge to continue enrollment at the University; a signed AIP Pledge commits the student to weekly academic meetings. AIP students who violate their pledge are dismissed from the Program. The semester spent in the Academic Intervention Program is considered a probationary semester and all provisions concerning academic progress during Probation, as listed in Section 1, apply. - A student may participate only once in a program offered in lieu of dismissal. If a student participated in the Academic Restoration Program he or she is not eligible at a later date to participate in the Academic Intervention Program.
Grade Changes
Grade changes, except for “I” and “IP” grades, should not be made without just cause. Students are expected to complete all prescribed course work within the semester of registration.
Students who question a grade must notify the instructor in writing no later than 30 days after the termination of the semester for which the grade was recorded. A copy of the written notice must be sent to the academic dean of the school where the course is housed within the same time constraints. Instructors must respond in writing before the end of the add/drop period of the subsequent semester.
Scheduled examinations are held in courses at the end of the semester except when the instructor’s written request to dispense with one is approved by the appropriate dean. Each instructor will hold such other examinations during the course as the instructor deems necessary. Administration of make-up examinations for those students missing examinations will be given at the option of the instructor. Failures in courses are removed only by repeating the course, not by special examinations. All final grades are recorded on the student’s academic transcript.
Grade Reports
A report of achievement following the midpoint as well as the close of each semester can be obtained by logging on to Students may request the Registrar to send grades to their parents. (See section entitled The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.)
Registration for the fall and spring semesters will be held near the midpoint of the previous semester. Registration start dates are found in the Academic Calendar. All students will be able to register for courses online through Student Planning in where students will find scheduled course offerings, course descriptions and date and time assignments for registration. Each student must be approved to register by his or her academic adviser and must satisfy all financial obligations before registration can be completed. Students must consult with their assigned adviser prior to registration in order to insure proper guidance in course selection. Failure to register will be interpreted as notification of intention to withdraw from the University at the end of the current term.
Full-time, matriculated undergraduate students may register for one course per semester at one of the Western New York Consortium Schools. Students must seek approval to pursue cross-registration through the Registrar’s Office prior to enrollment in the course. The Registrar will provide verification of the student’s full-time status, required for the student to enroll at the other institution. Tuition charges do not apply but other fees and charges may be applicable. It is the student’s responsibility to verify, prior to enrollment, that he or she will be able to meet the academic calendar requirements of the other institution. Please note that out-of-state students interested in taking a course at a public institution in NY State may be responsible for the difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition charges, as well as any county-specific charges.
Credit Load
The maximum credit load is 18 academic credit hours per semester. Students on probation may not take more than 15 credit hours per semester without special permission from their academic dean. The maximum credit load for any summer session is 7 credits.
Honors students enrolled in a credit-bearing honors course may take one additional course without their academic dean’s permission. The following courses are not applicable for the waiver (HON 101, HON 102, HON 201, HON 202, HON 301, HON 302, HON 401, HON 402). Students should contact the Honors Director to enroll in more than 18 credits.
Credit Hour Definition
One semester hour of credit will be awarded for:
- A minimum of 750 minutes of live or recorded instructor-led class time. This includes lectures, discussions and other instructional methodologies, in any combination.
- A minimum of 1500 minutes of supervised laboratory time.
- A minimum of 2250 minutes of self-paced laboratory time.
- An online or hybrid learning experience that equates to an equivalent amount of time in structured learning activities (i.e. learning activities that would normally take place in class such as on-line quizzes, lecture podcasts, synchronous learning activities and discussion boards) but does not include activities such as homework and class preparation that would normally not count toward instructional time.
Examples of activities that do not count toward instructional time: readings, homework and other intrinsic preparation or activities (e.g. practicing calculations).
Auditing Courses
Any person who is properly admitted by the director of admissions may audit courses. Written permission to do so must be granted by both the course instructor and the academic dean. Registration procedure for courses is the same as for courses taken for credit. There is no credit granted but a record is kept on the student’s transcript. Students will be billed an auditing fee.
A registered auditor will not be permitted to change credit status after the expiration of the usual one-week period for change of class schedule. Credit for a course once audited may be earned only by successfully repeating the course, unless credit is validated by a standard proficiency examination. See Credit by Examination.
Participation in Study Abroad or Service Tips
Students must be in good academic standing with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 in order to participate in a study abroad experience or a service trip sponsored by the University.
Changes in Major Field
To change a major field, students must first obtain written recommendation from:
- Their academic adviser.
- The department chair from and to which the student desires to change his/her major. Such recommendations must be completed on the appropriate forms and submitted to the Records Office.
Courses of Instruction
Courses of instruction offered each semester will be published on The University reserves the right to cancel any course for insufficient enrollment. Generally, odd-numbered courses are offered during the first semester and even-numbered courses during the second semester. Course offerings are subject to demand, departmental requirements and availability of instructors.
New Students
St. Bonaventure University conducts several Orientation sessions during the month of July sponsored by the Student Success Center. All first-year students are required to attend one of the summer sessions. Special arrangements or exemptions must be made through the Orientation office. An orientation for transfer students is held the weekend prior to the first day of classes in the fall semester. Orientation is also held in January for all new students (first-year and transfer) beginning in the spring term.
Orientation sessions enable incoming first-year students to discuss their course of study with an adviser. Interactive presentations and seminars offer students opportunities to engage with the academic, social, and spiritual contexts of the university. The program is facilitated by staff, faculty and peer leaders to provide students a comprehensive understanding of the transition to college life at St. Bonaventure. Parents and family members are welcome and encouraged to participate.
The Welcome Days program is required for all new first-year students registered to begin in the fall semester. It offers the opportunity to move in early and attend a variety of workshops, speakers and socials. These activities will better acquaint the new student with the University academically and socially over a three-day period.
Student Leave of Absence
To begin the leave of absence for medical reasons process students must make their requests in writing (via email or secure message through the Medicat portal) to the associate dean for student & community wellbeing at or prior to the time they are requesting to take the leave.
Leaves will not be granted retroactively. Medical leaves of absence will not be entertained after the official last date to withdraw from classes, as established by the university’s academic calendar, with the exception of extreme emergency cases.
A leave of absence for medical reasons must be issued by the vice president for student affairs, upon recommendation of the associate dean for student & community wellbeing in collaboration with the university medical provider and/or Counseling Center staff or other appropriate professionals.
Medical leave is typically granted when a student’s condition makes it necessary for the student to leave campus for an extended period of treatment. A medical leave serves a student in the following ways:
- A student is withdrawn from classes, receives a “W” on the student transcript for those courses, and while the student does not receive academic credit for the courses, the student is not penalized for the withdrawal.
- A student living in a university residential facility at the time a leave of absence is approved will be granted a residential living space for the following semester upon readmission, provided that on-campus living is not a recommended restriction.
- A student living in a university residential facility at the time a leave of absence is granted must remove all personal possessions and return their room key to the director of Residence Life within 48 hours of the leave being issued. Any additional time must be approved by the director of Residence Life. Students will incur room and applicable board charges until their residential space is vacated.
- Financial payments to the university are reimbursed on a prorated basis. To understand the financial implications of a leave of absence students are encouraged to discuss their particular situation with the Student Records and Financial Services Office at or 716.375.2020
Students leaving the university for medical reasons will be eligible to participate in the reenrollment process only after they have received necessary treatment, and upon recommendation of the associate dean for student & community wellbeing, in consultation with the university medical provider and/or Counseling Center personnel, and upon final approval of the vice president for Student Affairs.
The student may be recommended for readmission only after the university receives a completed provider information form from a qualified health care professional(s) specific and relevant to initial reason for the approved leave, and the student participates in a meeting with the relevant university professionals.
Relevant university professionals may include the associate dean for student & community wellbeing, the director of Residence Life, the director of Accessibility Services & Accommodations, and/or the student’s faculty advisers. The university reserves the right to require consultations between the student and relevant professionals of the university’s choice.
After the completed provider information form and required student meeting is completed and assessed by the associate dean for student & community wellbeing, a recommendation will be made to the vice president for Student Affairs who will make a decision regarding the student’s eligibility to seek readmission.
Stipulations for return to the university will be outlined at the time a request for leave is granted. Students who have withdrawn from St. Bonaventure University with good standing may be reenrolled when formal application for re-enrollment is approved by the Records Office.
If the student has been absent for more than one full semester, a processing fee may be required with the application.
Before a student is reenrolled, the student must furnish an updated medical history record. Any student who leaves St. Bonaventure University for medical reasons must complete the reenrollment process by July 15 for the fall semester and by Dec. 1 for the spring semester. The reenrollment process requires that a student complete the following steps:
- make reapplication through the Office of the Associate Dean for Student & Community Wellbeing;
- submit a letter from the student to the appropriate university representative indicating why the student believes they are ready to return to the university;
- provide documentation as required by the associate dean for student & community wellbeing/vice president for Student Affairs;
- discuss with the appropriate university representative(s) the request for reenrollment.
If readmission is approved by the vice president for Student Affairs, on-campus housing, when appropriate, will be assigned by the Office of Residence Life.
Any student who withdraws from the University must give formal notice to the University Registrar. The policy below will be used for all withdrawals from the University with the exception of medical and military service leaves. The official withdrawal date is the date that the student begins the school’s withdrawal process at the Registrar’s Office, or the date that the student otherwise provided official notification.
Please refer to the Academic Policy section of the University catalog for policies and procedures to formally withdraw from the University. Federal financial aid will be calculated on an earned per diem basis for the academic calendar up to the 60 percent point in the semester. Please refer to the Financial Aid section of the University’s catalog for details.
Students may request a review of their withdraw type, date of withdraw, or calculation within 30 calendar days of issuance of the final billing from the University. Requests made after 30 days will not be reviewed.
Military Service Withdrawal
If a student is called to active duty, a Military Withdrawal will be granted through the University’s Registrar’s Office. Students should contact the Registrar’s Office as soon as possible to fill out the official withdrawal form. A Military Withdrawal will be granted once the University receives a copy of the official orders or a notice from the student’s Commander. The Registrar will indicate on the withdrawal form that the reason for withdrawal is “military service.” Students will not be liable for any tuition or fees if they decide to withdraw because of military service. All state and federal tuition assistance funding will be returned to the appropriate organizations that issued the funding.
If timing does not permit the student to fill out the withdrawal form, the student may initiate the withdrawal by providing a formal request in writing. The student must sign the letter and send it to the Registrar’s Office, PO Box C, St. Bonaventure, NY 14778 or by fax to (716) 375-2087. Once the form is received, the Registrar will initiate the withdrawal on the student’s behalf. In addition, a copy of the orders must accompany the form.
Complete Withdrawal Option (without academic penalty)
Students with a military withdrawal will not be charged tuition for the semester of withdrawal, will receive a 100% refund, and will be removed from all courses with no credit and no record of attendance on the student’s transcript.
Early Exam Option
If a student is called to military duty and has completed 75% of the enrollment period (11 weeks), he/she may opt to make arrangements with his/her professors to take the final exam(s) early and be given full credit for all courses. Students will be billed according to the University tuition billing policy.
Financial Aid
In cases where 100% of a student’s tuition charges are forgiven, all institutional aid and New York state aid will be withdrawn from the student’s account. If a student receives state grant funds from a state other than New York, the University will abide by the return of funds policy from that state. The University will abide by the federally required Title IV return of funds policy for federal financial aid.
Room and Meal Plan
Room and meal plans will be pro-rated based on the number of weeks the student was enrolled in school.
Students seeking re-enrollment should apply/inquire through the Registrar’s Office.
Class Attendance and Absences
During the first week of each semester the instructor will announce his or her policy pertaining to the conduct of each course. Students are expected to accept the responsibility of class attendance. It is assumed that they will make the most of the educational opportunities available by regularly attending classes and laboratory periods. The responsibility for making up any work missed rests entirely upon the student. Students should notify the Office of the Registrar if they have been absent due to illness or family emergencies. If students are absent it is their responsibility to inform their instructors and provide appropriate documentation if necessary. Instructors are encouraged to report to the Registrar the names of students who are frequently absent or tardy.
University Policy on Academic Honesty
Enrollment at St. Bonaventure University requires adherence to the University’s standards of academic integrity. These standards may be intuitively understood and cannot, in any case, be listed exhaustively. The following examples, detailed in full in Appendix A of the Code of Conduct (, represent some basic types of unacceptable behavior: cheating, plagiarism, fabrications, obtaining an unfair advantage, aiding and abetting academic dishonesty, falsification of records and official documents, and unauthorized access to records. Academic dishonesty is a serious matter and will be dealt with accordingly, with University sanctions ranging from grade alteration to the possibility of expulsion. Students should familiarize themselves with these very important provisions of the Academic Honesty Policy, which is outlined in the Code of Conduct for reference only. Acts of academic dishonesty are not processed through the University Judicial process; the process for handling alleged violations is outlined within the policy.
The Pass-Fail Option
The intent of this option is to allow the full-time undergraduate students to broaden their educational experience beyond the limits which their particular course of study might impose, without undue fear of academic penalty. For traditional 15-week courses eligible students may exercise this option by submitting to the Registrar’s office a completed pass-fail option form between the first day of the semester and the final business day of the third week of classes. For courses of shorter duration the deadline to exercise this option will be the day representing completion of approximately 20% of the class meetings. Only one course during each term may be taken pass-fail, including summer, with a maximum total of six courses. The pass grade (D- grade or better) will not affect the cumulative index (grade point average). A grade of F will be used in computing the cumulative index.
Pass-Fail Limitations
No student with fewer than 30 credit hours may use this option. Except for courses required by specific academic majors that are explicitly designated as “Pass-Fail” courses (e.g., internships) the following courses cannot be elected under the Pass-Fail option:
- any course in the student’s major;
- any course cognate to the student’s major;
- any course taken to fulfill General Education requirements;
- any course taken to fulfill a school requirement;
- any course taken as part of a minor;
- any course once taken for the conventional grade, may not be repeated with the pass-fail option.
Administrative Policy for the Pass-Fail Option
Eligible students may exercise this option by filing a form with the Registrar during a period between the first day of the second week of the semester in which the course will be taken and the final class of the third week of that semester, after which time the student may not change the student’s decision, except that the student may procure a “Withdrawal Form” from the Registrar’s office and withdraw from the course with a W grade. No student with less than 30 credit hours may use this option. Instructors will not be told who has chosen the pass-fail option; instructors will follow the usual grading system in reporting final grades, which will be converted by computer. It is necessary that actual grades earned be recorded so that they may be retrieved from the records should a student change major and find that a course taken as “pass-fail” is cognate to or part of the new major.
Students and faculty should be aware that the Registrar’s office will not report to the student, to the student’s adviser, to graduate schools or to any other person or institution the grade (unless it is an F grade) reported by the instructor for such courses that a student elected on the pass-fail option.
Repeat Policy
A student can repeat a course to improve their grade. If the student makes a higher grade, the lower grade will be excluded from the institutional GPA. The original grade will remain on the transcript with an asterisk notating that the grade is excluded from the institutional GPA. If a student makes a lower grade, then that grade will be excluded.
Courses Taken at Other Institutions
Matriculated students who wish to take courses elsewhere to transfer back to St. Bonaventure University should receive confirmation in advance, and prior to enrollment at the other institution, of the transferability and equivalency of the course or courses in which they wish to enroll. Students should contact the Records Office for assistance with this process. Matriculated students may transfer for degree credit one course (up to 4 credits) during each of the fall and spring semesters. All courses taken at other institutions, during both summer sessions and the regular academic year, remain subject to the established Residence Requirement.
Visiting Student Program
The St. Bonaventure Visiting Student Program was established to provide opportunities for students to study for a semester or a full year at another accredited college or university in the United States without having to transfer. Credits from approved courses are applied toward degree requirements at St. Bonaventure University. For further information, contact the Registrar’s office.
SBU undergraduates taking graduate classes
Students planning to enroll in a graduate program at St. Bonaventure may take a total of 9 credit hours of graduate course work during their senior year. Three (3) credits in the next-to-last semester and 6 credits in the last semester provided these credits are above and beyond the 120 needed for the baccalaureate degree and their GPA is a 3.0 or better. Approval is required by the program director, undergraduate academic dean and graduate dean. Approval is course specific.
Official Transcripts
An official transcript is one bearing the University seal and an authorized signature of the University. Official transcripts are mailed directly to other institutions and agencies. An unofficial transcript does not bear the seal and signature. A student or an alumnus may recover their own.
A fee is charged for each transcript of academic and medical records. The University will honor written requests only. The student must also give written permission to the University to release the student’s record to a designated recipient. This written release is required to conform with stipulations of federal law regarding confidentiality and release of student information. Transcripts normally will not be furnished during final examination periods or the week following. According to University policy, grades, official transcripts, recommendations and diplomas may not be issued to those who have not met their financial obligations to the University.
Transcript Notation
The following standards for institutional transcript notation apply to any student found responsible for a violation of the Code of Conduct that is defined as a crime of violence reportable under the Clery Act:
- Students suspended for said violations will have the following noted on the transcript: “Suspended after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation.”
- Students expelled after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation will have the following noted on the transcript: “Expelled after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation.”
- Students withdrawing from the University during an investigation, or any time prior to or during the completion of judicial procedures (including an appeal process), will have the following noted on the transcript: “Withdrew with conduct charges pending.”
Students may appeal to the University through the appeals process outlined in this policy to have suspension notation, and only the suspension notation, removed from the transcript. If granted, the notation will be removed no less than one year after the suspension is imposed. This appeal does not apply to the expulsion notations or withdrawal notations
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) St. Bonaventure University (the “University”) adopts the following policy:
- General Provisions
- Education Records. Education records are those records maintained by the University which directly relate to a student. Education records do not include records of instructional, administrative and educational personnel which are in the sole possession of the maker and not accessible to anyone other than a temporary substitute; records of campus security maintained solely for security purposes and accessible only to security personnel; alumni records; and student health records.
- Explanation of Records. The University will respond to reasonable requests for explanation or interpretation of education records.
- FERPA Coordinator. The Registrar’s office has been designated to coordinate FERPA procedures.
- Records Maintained by the University. Education records covered by FERPA and maintained by the University are: admissions, personal, academic, and financial files; and academic and placement records.
- Annual Notice. On an annual basis the University will notify students currently in attendance at the University of their rights under FERPA. The content of this notice will be in compliance with all federal regulations enacted under FERPA.
- Review and Challenge to Content of Records
- Right to Inspect. Except as limited below, students have the right to inspect and review information contained in their education records, to challenge their content, to have a hearing if the outcome of that challenge is unsatisfactory to them, and to submit explanatory statements for inclusion in their education records if the decision of the hearing is against them. Student health records, while not considered education records under this policy, may be reviewed at the student’s request by a physician of the student’s choosing.
- Limitations on Right to Inspect. Education records excepted from the right to inspect and review outlined in paragraph 2a are:
- Education records containing information about more than one student, (in which case the University will permit access only to that part of the record which pertains to the inquiring student);
- Financial records;
- Confidential letters and recommendations placed in the student’s file prior to Jan. 1, 1975, that are used solely for the purpose for which they were intended; or
- Confidential letters and recommendations placed in the student’s file after January 1, 1975, to which the student has freely waived his or her rights of inspection and review in a signed statement, and which are associated with admissions, application for employment, or receipt of honors. If a student has waived the right of inspection under this section, the University will, upon request, give the student names of persons providing confidential letters of recommendation. A student may prospectively revoke such waiver with a signed statement.
- A student in default on any student loan may receive only an “unofficial” transcript until the default status is cleared.
- Procedures to Request Inspection. Students wishing to review their education records must make written requests to the office of the Registrar listing the item or items of interest. Records covered by FERPA will be made available to a student within 45 days of request. Students may have copies of their records made by the University at the students’ expense and at the price of 10 cents per page. The University will not destroy an education record if there is an outstanding request to inspect it.
- Right to Challenge Content of Records. Students who believe that their education records contain information that is inaccurate or misleading, or is otherwise in violation of their privacy or other rights, may request the University to amend the records through written application to the Registrar. The Registrar will decide within a reasonable period of time whether or not to amend the record as requested. If the University decides not to amend the record, it will inform the student of this decision and of the student’s right to a hearing.
- Right to a Hearing. A student’s request for the hearing provided for in Paragraph 2d must be made in writing to the Vice President for Academic Affairs who, within a reasonable period of time after receiving such request, will inform the student of the date, place and time of the hearing. The student may present evidence relevant to the issues raised and may be assisted or represented at the hearings by one or more persons of the student’s choice, including an attorney, at the student’s expense. The panel which will decide such hearings will be composed of three administrators who have no direct interest in the outcome of the hearing (the “Panel”) appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Decisions of the Panel will be final, will be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing, and will consist of written statements summarizing the evidence and stating the reasons for the decisions, and will be delivered to all parties concerned. The education records will be corrected or amended in accordance with the decisions of the Panel if the decision is in favor of the student, and the student will be so informed in writing. If the decision is against the student, the student may place a statement in the education records commenting on the information in the records, or setting forth any reasons for disagreeing with the decisions of the Panel. This statement will be maintained as part of the education records, and released whenever the records in question are disclosed.
- Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information
- Disclosure. Personally Identifiable Information is any information which would make the student’s identity easily traceable. Except as such disclosure is permitted by law, no one outside the University shall have access to, nor will the University disclose, such information from a student’s education records without the signed written consent of the student specifying: the records which may be disclosed, the purpose of the disclosed and the identity of the parties to whom disclosure is made. Under FERPA disclosure absent consent is permitted: a) To personnel within the University whom the University has determined have legitimate educational interest in the information. Only those employees of the University, individually or collectively, acting in the students’ educational interests are allowed access to student education records. These employees include specific personnel in the offices of finance, financial aid, provost, student life, admissions, registrar and athletics.
All on a need-to-know basis:- To officials of other institutions in which students seek to enroll;
- To authorized representatives of federal, state or local government requesting access to the educational records in connection with an audit or evaluation of federal- or state-supported educational programs, or for the enforcement of or compliance with federal legal requirements which relate to those programs;
- To persons or organizations providing student financial aid which the student has received, or for which the student has applied, provided that the information requested is necessary to determine eligibility for aid, the amount of aid, the conditions for aid or to enforce the terms and conditions of the aid;
- To organizations conducting studies for the University to develop, validate or administer predictive tests; administer student aid programs; or improve instruction, provided that this information may be used only by such organization and will be destroyed when no longer needed;
- To accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation function;
- To persons in compliance with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena, provided that in advance of compliance, the University will make a good-faith
- effort to notify the student of the order or subpoena; and
- To persons in an emergency in order to protect the health or safety of students or other persons.
- Directory of Information. “Directory Information” is information contained in a student’s education record which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. The University has designated the following types of information as directory information: student name, permanent and college addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail address, photograph, Commencement video, date and place of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, part- or fulltime enrollment status, degrees and awards received, and most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and weight and height of members of athletic teams.
- Disclosure of Directory Information. Under FERPA, directory information may be disclosed by the University for any purpose at its discretion. Currently enrolled students may withhold disclosure of any or all directory information pertaining to them by notifying the Registrar in writing no later than five (5) days after the first day of class in the fall semester to this effect. Requests for non-disclosure will be honored by the University for only one academic year; therefore, requests to withhold directory information must be filed annually.
- Disclosure Records. The University will maintain a record of each request for access to and each disclosure of personally identifiable information from a student’s education record, unless the request is from the student, University personnel, or a person with consent, or is for student directory information. This record will include the name of the party requesting the information and their interest in it. This record will be maintained with the student’s education records.
- Disclosure. Personally Identifiable Information is any information which would make the student’s identity easily traceable. Except as such disclosure is permitted by law, no one outside the University shall have access to, nor will the University disclose, such information from a student’s education records without the signed written consent of the student specifying: the records which may be disclosed, the purpose of the disclosed and the identity of the parties to whom disclosure is made. Under FERPA disclosure absent consent is permitted: a) To personnel within the University whom the University has determined have legitimate educational interest in the information. Only those employees of the University, individually or collectively, acting in the students’ educational interests are allowed access to student education records. These employees include specific personnel in the offices of finance, financial aid, provost, student life, admissions, registrar and athletics.
- Complaints
- Complaints. Students who believe that the University has failed to accord them their rights under FERPA may file complaints with The Family Policy and Regulations Office, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202.
Changes in University Regulations
The Board of Trustees of the University reserves the right to advance the requirements for admission, to change the courses, the requirements for graduation, degrees, tuition, fees and regulations affecting the student body. Such regulations will apply to all old and new students and will go into effect on the date when promulgated by the University. This places the responsibility on each student to keep himself/herself informed of the content of all notices.